Hi Friends, It’s time for a shining star moment.
“Play is the work of the child.”Ā – – Maria Montessori
How many times have you caught yourself telling your child to “Do as you are told!”? While listening to us adults is important (I know I am always right!) we are not wishing to turn our children into beings who cannot think for themselves. The lesser counterpart to open-ended toys tells your child to do exactly this.
“Press this button.” “Repeat what I say.” “Play with me just like this.” #robotchild #nothanks #byefelicia
“Not all toys are created equal”
So now we know that not all toys are made the same
Mumma, it is time to get out there and start looking for toys that can be played with in many ways.
Let’s encourage the free-spirit within your child and nurture their imagination. Let’s get them excited to play and watch as they learn and grow and spread their happiness to all those around them.
I think we can all agree that open-ended toys #rock!
Is that a bird, a plane, a death-defying astronaut hurtling in from space – who knows, but your little one is going to have so much fun working it out as they play with that open-ended toy…
Keep Shining,